Monday, March 29, 2010


The first sentence is the most difficult, so I will skip it.
I've been told that a blog needs direction or a theme to attract readers. I have considered this for quite awhile and have come to the conclusion that attracting readers is not my goal. I'd like to think that I am interesting enough to have regular readers but alas, there are many blogs out there and this is just another drop of water in the sea. However, it is a bit difficult to sail rudderless so I have come up with a rough idea of where I might go. My major topics will be artwork and transgender issues and minor topics might include travel, food, entertainment, and whatever floats my boat on a given day. Perhaps a decent analogy would be a pleasure cruise through my head. I know the seas can get rough in there so I am going to stay flexible. Besides, if we get lost, we'll just pull in somewheres and ask directions! So without further ado, I dedicate this online journal to myself.

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